A group of travellers have pitched up at a park in Bicester.

Travellers arrived at the park off Manston Close near the Lidl store on Launton Road with the first reports of their presence surfacing yesterday evening (Friday, May 17).

County councillor for Bicester, Donna Ford, said she was made aware at 9pm last night before alerting both Bicester Town Council and Oxfordshire County Council.

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It is understood Thames Valley Police had been alerted by a householder near the park.

The force has confirmed officers have attended and code of conduct paperwork has been served.

Ms Ford said: “I have spoken to both [councils] this morning who are working to resolve the situation.

“The police had already been made aware by a resident.

“They will follow the usual procedures for the situation and hope to have things resolved as quickly as possible.”

A police spokesperson said: “Thames Valley Police was made aware of an unauthorised encampment on land off Manston Close yesterday (May 17).

“Officers attended and code of conduct paperwork has been served.”

The travellers remained in the park on Saturday night, eyewitnesses said.

The Oxford Mail has approached Oxfordshire County Council and Bicester Town Council for comment on the situation.